Quality Assurance Planning

Developing Quality Assurance Systems at both the Unit and Program Levels
Compliance with CAEP Guidelines for Quality Assurance

The UK Quality Assurance Planning webpage provides UK’s Educator Preparation Program Managers with access to documents and informational materials which will be helpful to build and maintain programs that are in compliance with EPSB Quality Assurance expectations and assessment rubrics.

The UK Professional Education Unit maintains a website to fully document each of its approved educator preparation programs (EPP’s). Both the EPSB and CAEP expect that quality assurance systems and procedures will be developed and implemented by each educator preparation provider and each educator preparation program. The Quality Assurance System Planning webpage is designed to provide program managers with materials needed to both create a quality assurance system at the program level, and also to assess the adequacy of the quality assurance system to meet EPSB and CAEP quality assurance expectations.

Supporting Documents

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